Thursday, September 17, 2009

personality test.

This is a personality test.
Pick your answers instinctively.
There are no right or wrong answers.

Imagine yourself with a friend at a coffee
bar. Your friend has just ordered a
cappuccino, which you were thinking of
ordering. So what would you do now?

A) "I'll have the same."
B) "Me too."
C) "Make that two."
D) "I'll have an ice tea."
(Or any other completely different drink.)
E) "Cappuccino."

Pick your answer, then scroll down for what each statement means
"I'll have the same."
You are a very easy going person. You rarely refuse your friends when
they come to you for help. Occasionally, it may be more wise for you
to say "NO" sometimes. This might save you from unnecessary trouble.

"Me too."
You are an indecisive person. And the reason for that might be
because you think more than others! Sometimes you should just go for
it, otherwise, you might find yourself missing out on a lot of
opportunities that would eventually lead you to success.

"Make that two."
You have a strong will. You want to be in control of others. Although
you do not show this, you have a hidden desire to be better than
everyone who surrounds you.

"I'll have an ice tea."
(Or any other completely different drink.)
You are extremely competitive and not afraid to show it. You
will never settle for second best. However, you should be careful of
your actions, as others may feel uncomfortable because of your
stubborn nature to win at all costs.

Stubborn is the best word to describe you. You will not give in to
anything once your mind is set. You live by your own rules, and damn
the consequences. But to many people, you are just a hard-headed
person with little consideration to others.

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